Thursday, February 28, 2013

1st grader at Avon East Elementary brings AirSoft model gun to school to 'shoot' mean classmate

Posted: 02/28/2013
By: Tina Kaufmann,
AVON, Ohio - A first-grader at Avon East Elementary gets suspended for bringing an AirSoft model gun to school to shoot another student.
On Friday, the 6-year-old boy told the principal he brought the [airsoft] pellet gun to school to "shoot another student" because that student had threatened him with a knife.
Once school officials got in touch with parents, the boy's story began to change. The 6-year-old said he brought the fake [airsoft] gun to school because of an altercation at the bus stop between him and two other boys, hoping it would "scare" them.
The boy with the [airsoft] gun has been suspended for 10 days and expulsion has been recommended.
The other two boys admitted to the altercation, with one saying he did threaten to kill the 6-year-old.
The other students' guardians were contacted and said they would talk to their children about the incident.
Faculty members were alerted about the [airsoft] gun in the boy's backpack late in the day, something they said really concerns them. The other boys said they opened the 6-year-old's backpack at the bus stop not believing he had a [airsoft] gun.
Guardians of the other two boys were aware of the ongoing issues between their children, but not with the child who brought the mock .45 caliber compact [airsoft] weapon to school.
No charges were filed against any of the children. Mediation was recommended for two of the boys.
The 6-year-old was told if anything else like this happens again, he will be referred to Lorain County Juvenile Court.

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