Thursday, May 31, 2007
Firsthand gun smoke
At the Crossroads of the West Gun Show, which claims to draw 401,000 customers every year, children under age 12 get in free.
"It's a family event,” says Tracy Olcott with a welcoming smile. Olcott's father founded Crossroads of the West more than 30 years ago. Now a young mother herself, Olcott is happy to talk about the gun show, but she does so in a somewhat guarded manner, carefully choosing each word.
"There are families out here selling guns, ammo, books, accessories, toys for kids,” she says, "and, of course, there are the collectors fulfilling their interests.”
Weeks before the Virginia Tech shootings—before gun lovers and gun-shop owners decided it would be best to stop talking to the media—I took a trip to the gun show at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. I expected to come across—and hopefully talk to—both responsible gun owners and gun nuts.
As I walk in, I'm asked by two bulky officers under a sign that says, "NO LOADED GUNS PAST THIS POINT,” to leave my bullets at the gate. There's a plastic jar of bullets on the table in front of the guards, so I ask one of the cops if he collects much ammo.
"At least one visitor enters with a loaded weapon,” he says, "usually by mistake because they forget to unload.” I tell them I don't have any guns or ammo and pass by, wondering how many gun lovers have forgotten this time around.
Inside, two boys run by with Airsoft rifles they picked up from a vendor table. Airsoft manufactures everything from AK-47 sniper rifles to M16 assault rifles and other modern BB guns made of plastic, wood and metal. The toys are perfect replicas, so authentic they make the real guns look like toys. The reality/play line is blurred, and the boys act like well-equipped and confident soldiers. They dodge and fire, pretending to shoot each other between refrigerator-sized gun safes and the first set of tables to offer something called "collectibles.”
The vendors at the collectibles tables make it clear that the items they're selling are memorabilia or historical artifacts. All the vendors I talk to repeat the same line: "We sell collectibles.” Some of these so-called collectibles include images of Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemimah eating BBQ chicken with captions reading, "Sure, we're cuckoo, but we're happy,” and "Coon chicken.”
Collectors can buy old metal recruiting signs with the image of a young woman—sort of a cross between Rosie the Riveter and Lucille Ball—with the words, "Gee!! I wish I were a man. I'd join the Navy.”
The vendors also make available "No Colored Allowed” antique brass door signs, and collectors can pick up confederate flag flasks, old bullets, pelts, stuffed raccoons and boar heads.
A few minutes in, I meet a dealer who refers to himself as a historian. He looks like he's been sitting in a chair reading Guns & Ammo for four days straight; he's grubby and a little greasy, too. He's selling Nazi pins, SS badges and yellow Stars of David, or what he calls "German Militaria.”
"Does anybody give you shit about selling this stuff?” I ask.
"I jump right down their throats,” he says. "The Japanese killed more people than the Nazis did. Russia was second, and then the Germans.”
"Hitler was stupid,” he continues. "He should have used the Jews to fight his war against the Russians. No communism for us to deal with.”
A few tables over from the historian, you can purchase ball caps with "ACLU” circled and crossed out. At another table you can buy a book called, Don't Get Mad, Get Even: The Art of Revengemanship, and right next to that are stickers that say, "A Woman's Place Is in the House but Not the White House.”
Later, I asked Olcott about some of the items, mainly the Nazi pins.
"Anything that glorifies Nazism,” she says sternly, "any neo-Nazi stuff is not allowed.” She wants everyone to know that propagating hate is unacceptable at the gun show.
The pavilion is noisy between the zapping of what sounds like a Tazer, the ka ka ka of the air guns and all the voices talking up the goods. There's a smell of patriotism and hot dogs wafting among heightened testosterone.
A guy dressed as a Samurai walks by, followed by a cowboy wearing a belt buckle that says, "World's Largest Nuts Shown Below.” Rows upon rows of rifles and handguns are spread out across tables throughout the building, everything from pump-action rifles with pistol grips to guns the size of your palm.
Hand cannons are available, too, such as a $1,029 Smith and Wesson 460 magnum with an 8 3⁄8-inch barrel that seems to give every gunslinger passing by a hard-on.
"I wouldn't want to be on the business end of it,” says the vendor.
He lifts his Daytona cap to show where a bullet grazed his head. "I was shot by a cop 28 years ago,” he says.
The dealer is selling a pink .22 Crickett Youth Gun that looks like a Barbie accessory. It catches the eye of one gentleman browser. "Hey, maybe my daughter would like to have one of those,” he says.
I ask the dealer which is his biggest pistol. He says the most powerful handgun is really a flare gun because "you can put a shotgun shell in it.” I smile because he chuckles, but the thought of his experiments with flare guns and shotgun shells is frightening.
I walk over to look at T-shirts and find one with "My Rifle: The Creed of a U.S. Marine” printed on front: "This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. My rifle is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus I will learn it as a brother. We will become part of each other.”
To become a Marine, you have to go to boot camp and endure intense training before heading off to war with a weapon. A regular citizen who wants to purchase a handgun at a gun show must be 21 and take a test to receive the Handgun Safety Certificate then wait 10 days for a background check. Basically, if you're a convicted felon, you're out—no guns for you. But there are ways to get around the rules—the Columbine kids had their older friend purchase rifles for them, and the Virginia Tech shooter just lied on the application about his mental history.
Before leaving, I ask the gun-show test administrator if I should study to get the required certificate.
"If you can read and comprehend things, you can pass,” he says. Then he asks, "You can understand me, right?”
"Yeah,” I say.
"Then you'll pass.”
"It's a family event,” says Tracy Olcott with a welcoming smile. Olcott's father founded Crossroads of the West more than 30 years ago. Now a young mother herself, Olcott is happy to talk about the gun show, but she does so in a somewhat guarded manner, carefully choosing each word.
"There are families out here selling guns, ammo, books, accessories, toys for kids,” she says, "and, of course, there are the collectors fulfilling their interests.”
Weeks before the Virginia Tech shootings—before gun lovers and gun-shop owners decided it would be best to stop talking to the media—I took a trip to the gun show at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. I expected to come across—and hopefully talk to—both responsible gun owners and gun nuts.
As I walk in, I'm asked by two bulky officers under a sign that says, "NO LOADED GUNS PAST THIS POINT,” to leave my bullets at the gate. There's a plastic jar of bullets on the table in front of the guards, so I ask one of the cops if he collects much ammo.
"At least one visitor enters with a loaded weapon,” he says, "usually by mistake because they forget to unload.” I tell them I don't have any guns or ammo and pass by, wondering how many gun lovers have forgotten this time around.
Inside, two boys run by with Airsoft rifles they picked up from a vendor table. Airsoft manufactures everything from AK-47 sniper rifles to M16 assault rifles and other modern BB guns made of plastic, wood and metal. The toys are perfect replicas, so authentic they make the real guns look like toys. The reality/play line is blurred, and the boys act like well-equipped and confident soldiers. They dodge and fire, pretending to shoot each other between refrigerator-sized gun safes and the first set of tables to offer something called "collectibles.”
The vendors at the collectibles tables make it clear that the items they're selling are memorabilia or historical artifacts. All the vendors I talk to repeat the same line: "We sell collectibles.” Some of these so-called collectibles include images of Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemimah eating BBQ chicken with captions reading, "Sure, we're cuckoo, but we're happy,” and "Coon chicken.”
Collectors can buy old metal recruiting signs with the image of a young woman—sort of a cross between Rosie the Riveter and Lucille Ball—with the words, "Gee!! I wish I were a man. I'd join the Navy.”
The vendors also make available "No Colored Allowed” antique brass door signs, and collectors can pick up confederate flag flasks, old bullets, pelts, stuffed raccoons and boar heads.
A few minutes in, I meet a dealer who refers to himself as a historian. He looks like he's been sitting in a chair reading Guns & Ammo for four days straight; he's grubby and a little greasy, too. He's selling Nazi pins, SS badges and yellow Stars of David, or what he calls "German Militaria.”
"Does anybody give you shit about selling this stuff?” I ask.
"I jump right down their throats,” he says. "The Japanese killed more people than the Nazis did. Russia was second, and then the Germans.”
"Hitler was stupid,” he continues. "He should have used the Jews to fight his war against the Russians. No communism for us to deal with.”
A few tables over from the historian, you can purchase ball caps with "ACLU” circled and crossed out. At another table you can buy a book called, Don't Get Mad, Get Even: The Art of Revengemanship, and right next to that are stickers that say, "A Woman's Place Is in the House but Not the White House.”
Later, I asked Olcott about some of the items, mainly the Nazi pins.
"Anything that glorifies Nazism,” she says sternly, "any neo-Nazi stuff is not allowed.” She wants everyone to know that propagating hate is unacceptable at the gun show.
The pavilion is noisy between the zapping of what sounds like a Tazer, the ka ka ka of the air guns and all the voices talking up the goods. There's a smell of patriotism and hot dogs wafting among heightened testosterone.
A guy dressed as a Samurai walks by, followed by a cowboy wearing a belt buckle that says, "World's Largest Nuts Shown Below.” Rows upon rows of rifles and handguns are spread out across tables throughout the building, everything from pump-action rifles with pistol grips to guns the size of your palm.
Hand cannons are available, too, such as a $1,029 Smith and Wesson 460 magnum with an 8 3⁄8-inch barrel that seems to give every gunslinger passing by a hard-on.
"I wouldn't want to be on the business end of it,” says the vendor.
He lifts his Daytona cap to show where a bullet grazed his head. "I was shot by a cop 28 years ago,” he says.
The dealer is selling a pink .22 Crickett Youth Gun that looks like a Barbie accessory. It catches the eye of one gentleman browser. "Hey, maybe my daughter would like to have one of those,” he says.
I ask the dealer which is his biggest pistol. He says the most powerful handgun is really a flare gun because "you can put a shotgun shell in it.” I smile because he chuckles, but the thought of his experiments with flare guns and shotgun shells is frightening.
I walk over to look at T-shirts and find one with "My Rifle: The Creed of a U.S. Marine” printed on front: "This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. My rifle is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus I will learn it as a brother. We will become part of each other.”
To become a Marine, you have to go to boot camp and endure intense training before heading off to war with a weapon. A regular citizen who wants to purchase a handgun at a gun show must be 21 and take a test to receive the Handgun Safety Certificate then wait 10 days for a background check. Basically, if you're a convicted felon, you're out—no guns for you. But there are ways to get around the rules—the Columbine kids had their older friend purchase rifles for them, and the Virginia Tech shooter just lied on the application about his mental history.
Before leaving, I ask the gun-show test administrator if I should study to get the required certificate.
"If you can read and comprehend things, you can pass,” he says. Then he asks, "You can understand me, right?”
"Yeah,” I say.
"Then you'll pass.”
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Dangerous Book for Boys
This is just to let you know, no big surprise here, that the Dangerous Book for Boys is officially approved by the Smith household. Bought it, gave it to the kids. They like it fine, though there is a bit of the been there, done that. If you've been raising your boys right, this book contains few surprises.
I can't resist adding a few tips of my own. FWIW.
Send your boys to an all boys' high school. It's great. They can catch up on all that other stuff in college. Ask yourself. Did your high school girl friend do you any good? Mine didn't. Don't get me started. Personally, I think not dating until you graduate college has something to be said for it. Now that I have kids of my own, the whole idea of arranged marriage makes a lot more sense. I am not kidding.
Get them involved in violent sports. Football is OK if they're big. Lacrosse is awesome. You get to hit people with sticks. It's encouraged. Hard to beat that. Alternatively, martial arts, especially grappling. BJJ culture is not a lot of that, be at peace, little grasshopper, and more, this really works. I'm against motor sports, but that probably works too.
Watch lots of manly movies. Lord of the Rings is an education in boy-ness in its own right. They should be required to read the books, of course. There are lots of books in the fantasy genre that emphasize adventure and manly virtues.
Set a good example. Don't become a couch potato, lay about turd yourself.
Dogs. Own at least one, two or more is better. Dogs teach boys about a lot of things. They are great companions. They teach boys a lot about love. I don't know about horses. They might be better for girls.
Let them play with guns. Not real guns, but airsoft, paintball, all that stuff. It's fun. If they want to learn how to shoot, fine. But obviously that has to be done responsibly.
Give them jobs to do at home. Make them pitch in. I'm not sure why, but this seems to make a big difference in all kinds of ways.
I'm against explosives, playing with fire and all that. Too dangerous. We were constantly blowing things up when I was a kid, but we're lucky no one was seriously hurt.
Protect them against mean, boy-hating teachers. They are absolutely out there. This is especially important when they are young and impressionable.
That's about it. Maybe I should write a book and get in on this craze.
THIS is funny, from a review linked to above:
One literacy expert reviewed several junior-high social studies texts and concluded: "Many students may well end up thinking that the West was settled chiefly by females, most often accompanied by their parents."
In her alarming book, "The Language Police," education historian Diane Ravitch describes how "sensitivity and bias committees" in our leading publishing houses now routinely expunge from textbooks and standardized tests all mention of potentially upsetting topics. Two major publishing companies specifically interdict references to frightening animals such as rats, mice, roaches and snakes.
Which reminds me -- another good idea is to nurture a boy's quite natural interest in bugs, snakes and so on into a more general appreciation of Nature, in all of its fascinating disgustingness and beauty. To wit, this DVD collection of the BBC series Life in the Undergrowth is unbelievably good. Its astonishing record among many, many others, of slugs mating, records the most alarming, disgusting and yet fascinating form of sexual congress I have even seen captured on film.
I can't resist adding a few tips of my own. FWIW.
Send your boys to an all boys' high school. It's great. They can catch up on all that other stuff in college. Ask yourself. Did your high school girl friend do you any good? Mine didn't. Don't get me started. Personally, I think not dating until you graduate college has something to be said for it. Now that I have kids of my own, the whole idea of arranged marriage makes a lot more sense. I am not kidding.
Get them involved in violent sports. Football is OK if they're big. Lacrosse is awesome. You get to hit people with sticks. It's encouraged. Hard to beat that. Alternatively, martial arts, especially grappling. BJJ culture is not a lot of that, be at peace, little grasshopper, and more, this really works. I'm against motor sports, but that probably works too.
Watch lots of manly movies. Lord of the Rings is an education in boy-ness in its own right. They should be required to read the books, of course. There are lots of books in the fantasy genre that emphasize adventure and manly virtues.
Set a good example. Don't become a couch potato, lay about turd yourself.
Dogs. Own at least one, two or more is better. Dogs teach boys about a lot of things. They are great companions. They teach boys a lot about love. I don't know about horses. They might be better for girls.
Let them play with guns. Not real guns, but airsoft, paintball, all that stuff. It's fun. If they want to learn how to shoot, fine. But obviously that has to be done responsibly.
Give them jobs to do at home. Make them pitch in. I'm not sure why, but this seems to make a big difference in all kinds of ways.
I'm against explosives, playing with fire and all that. Too dangerous. We were constantly blowing things up when I was a kid, but we're lucky no one was seriously hurt.
Protect them against mean, boy-hating teachers. They are absolutely out there. This is especially important when they are young and impressionable.
That's about it. Maybe I should write a book and get in on this craze.
THIS is funny, from a review linked to above:
One literacy expert reviewed several junior-high social studies texts and concluded: "Many students may well end up thinking that the West was settled chiefly by females, most often accompanied by their parents."
In her alarming book, "The Language Police," education historian Diane Ravitch describes how "sensitivity and bias committees" in our leading publishing houses now routinely expunge from textbooks and standardized tests all mention of potentially upsetting topics. Two major publishing companies specifically interdict references to frightening animals such as rats, mice, roaches and snakes.
Which reminds me -- another good idea is to nurture a boy's quite natural interest in bugs, snakes and so on into a more general appreciation of Nature, in all of its fascinating disgustingness and beauty. To wit, this DVD collection of the BBC series Life in the Undergrowth is unbelievably good. Its astonishing record among many, many others, of slugs mating, records the most alarming, disgusting and yet fascinating form of sexual congress I have even seen captured on film.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Airsoft guns, toy or weapon?
I'm an active, no correct that. I'm and obsessed airsoft player. I play every weekend with other airsofters that range from ex military to businessmen to college students. We all respect our weapons and treat them as if they where the real thing.
My city and county just passed a law banning the sale of any toy gun that resembles a real gun in any way. Thankfully that law also says that airsoft guns are exempt from this ban. However many cities in America are making it illegal to even to own one even if your an adult.
The main reason is that parents are not aware that these are only supposed to be purchased and owned by 18 and older adults. They don't read the package and thus buy it for little Tommy 10 year old to play with. Theres also the dumb store clerks that sale it as well to minors. Well little Tommy goes running up down the street waving this gun in the air and Mrs. Concerned neighbor calls the police because she sees a child running around with what she thinks is a real gun. The police show up and ask little Tommy to put the gun down and to turn around.
Well little Tommy who has seen too many movies turns and points the gun at the police. Well the police obviously at this point have no time to decide if it is real or fake and they respond like they should by shooting. So little Tommy ends up dead because his parents allowed him to play with a gun that he wasn't even supposed to have and the parents blame the gun instead of accepting them blame themselves. This same scene has gone on in several other cities as well. The blame is always the same. No one seems to notice the warning on the package.
They think because it fires plastic pellets that it is a toy. Well some of these guns fire over 500 FPS which is faster then some BB guns. So I would'nt exactly say that is a toy. These guns should fall under the same regulations as BB guns. Unfortunatly by some miswording in the laws they fall under the definition of toy gun as well.
So are there any other airsofters out there that feel we are getting the dirt deal on this because of stupid parents and stupid kids? Also do you consider airsoft guns a toy or a weapon.
P.S. I would prefer that you do not vote if your not going to supply your reason to validate your vote. More then if you think its a toy or not I want to know the reasoning behind your thought. I'm trying to get at the logic and confusion of why some think these are toys and the law and most players of the sport think they are weapons.
Continue discussion...
My city and county just passed a law banning the sale of any toy gun that resembles a real gun in any way. Thankfully that law also says that airsoft guns are exempt from this ban. However many cities in America are making it illegal to even to own one even if your an adult.
The main reason is that parents are not aware that these are only supposed to be purchased and owned by 18 and older adults. They don't read the package and thus buy it for little Tommy 10 year old to play with. Theres also the dumb store clerks that sale it as well to minors. Well little Tommy goes running up down the street waving this gun in the air and Mrs. Concerned neighbor calls the police because she sees a child running around with what she thinks is a real gun. The police show up and ask little Tommy to put the gun down and to turn around.
Well little Tommy who has seen too many movies turns and points the gun at the police. Well the police obviously at this point have no time to decide if it is real or fake and they respond like they should by shooting. So little Tommy ends up dead because his parents allowed him to play with a gun that he wasn't even supposed to have and the parents blame the gun instead of accepting them blame themselves. This same scene has gone on in several other cities as well. The blame is always the same. No one seems to notice the warning on the package.
They think because it fires plastic pellets that it is a toy. Well some of these guns fire over 500 FPS which is faster then some BB guns. So I would'nt exactly say that is a toy. These guns should fall under the same regulations as BB guns. Unfortunatly by some miswording in the laws they fall under the definition of toy gun as well.
So are there any other airsofters out there that feel we are getting the dirt deal on this because of stupid parents and stupid kids? Also do you consider airsoft guns a toy or a weapon.
P.S. I would prefer that you do not vote if your not going to supply your reason to validate your vote. More then if you think its a toy or not I want to know the reasoning behind your thought. I'm trying to get at the logic and confusion of why some think these are toys and the law and most players of the sport think they are weapons.
Continue discussion...
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Playing With A World War Two Airsoft Gun
For people who like to use the weapons of world war two without spending the high prices that a real gun can cost, many now buy world war two airsoft guns. These are not cheap but they are less than the real thing. These guns are well made and considered high performance in the airsoft world. These airsoft guns are even made to be field stripped. Expect to pay over a thousand dollars for the best replicas but also expect to be amazed with the quality and attention to detail. The airsoft guns use real metal parts and have real wood stocks where appropriate.
A world war two airsoft gun is legal in most countries and a person doesn't have to have a license either. These guns will fire and the flame coming from the muzzle is real but they don't actually shoot a projectile. It will discharge the cartridge but there isn't anything in the cartridge that comes out of the barrel. Many of the world war two airsoft guns are fully automatic and depending on the gun, might also have some recoil.
World War Two Airsoft Gun Prices And Models
If a certain gun was used as a world war two gun, there is a world war two airsoft gun. Some of these guns are the M3A1 grease gun. It is a 45 caliber replica with a fully automatic thirty round clip available. These can be purchased from between three hundred seventy dollars to over four hundred fifty dollars.
Another great world war two airsoft gun that is a replica piece is the M1 Garand semi automatic replica gun. The M1 Garand was made to chamber the 30-06 round and was accurate to about four hundred meters. The world war two airsoft gun is built with full metal parts and a real wood stock. It looks exactly like what it was modeled after. The M1 Garand can be purchased for around nine hundred dollars to about nine hundred fifty dollars depending on what equipment comes with the gun.
One last world war two airsoft gun to look at is the M1A1 carbine airborne version. It has the folding metal butt section and is a high quality piece of equipment. Looking like the original carbine this gun is built to exacting specifications. It is a lot more money but it is worth the cost because it is a work of art. The cost for the airborne model is about one thousand four hundred fifty dollars.
A world war two airsoft gun is legal in most countries and a person doesn't have to have a license either. These guns will fire and the flame coming from the muzzle is real but they don't actually shoot a projectile. It will discharge the cartridge but there isn't anything in the cartridge that comes out of the barrel. Many of the world war two airsoft guns are fully automatic and depending on the gun, might also have some recoil.
World War Two Airsoft Gun Prices And Models
If a certain gun was used as a world war two gun, there is a world war two airsoft gun. Some of these guns are the M3A1 grease gun. It is a 45 caliber replica with a fully automatic thirty round clip available. These can be purchased from between three hundred seventy dollars to over four hundred fifty dollars.
Another great world war two airsoft gun that is a replica piece is the M1 Garand semi automatic replica gun. The M1 Garand was made to chamber the 30-06 round and was accurate to about four hundred meters. The world war two airsoft gun is built with full metal parts and a real wood stock. It looks exactly like what it was modeled after. The M1 Garand can be purchased for around nine hundred dollars to about nine hundred fifty dollars depending on what equipment comes with the gun.
One last world war two airsoft gun to look at is the M1A1 carbine airborne version. It has the folding metal butt section and is a high quality piece of equipment. Looking like the original carbine this gun is built to exacting specifications. It is a lot more money but it is worth the cost because it is a work of art. The cost for the airborne model is about one thousand four hundred fifty dollars.
Adult airsoft gun battle slated for Feel Good Saturday
LYNDEBOROUGH — There will be a shootout at Feel Good Farm on Saturday, but no one will die in this battle between teams from Goffstown and Lyndeborough.
The gun battle will mark the opening of Larry Boisvert’s “airsoft” range on his property on Johnson Corner Road.
Airsoft is a combat sport similar to paintball, and participants use realistic guns to fire pellets at each other, and the team that has the fewest members hit wins.
Why do people play?
“It’s the thrill,” said enthusiast Eric Parsons, 42, of Milford, who served with the U.S. Army Rangers and is now the commander of an airsoft team called the Granite State Rangers.
Enthusiasts who have been in the military say the game is becoming more popular than paintball because airsoft is more realistic and less messy.
Currently, there are no legal places to play the games locally except private property, but that will change after Feel Good Farm’s airsoft fields open with set-ups for capture the flag, with logs and brush; an urban setting with building-like structures, and a rocky ridgeline.
Saturday’s opening will include a game between Airsoft Bravo, of Goffstown and Airsoft Alpha of Lyndeborough.
The game is starting around 8 a.m., said Josh Rowsey, of the Olde Tyme Army Navy store on the Milford Oval, who is promoting airsoft for the farm.
Referees and marshals, sanctioned by the Northeastern Airsoft Group, monitor the action.
Members of the Granite State Rangers come from Milford, Bedford, Amherst and Manchester. Parsons’ team has 15 members and hopes it will grow to 36. They train just as if they were in the military and he says this gives his team good exercise and confidence.
Griffith Sellars, 27, of Milford, is a former Marine who received a medical discharge, has a team of military people who have been injured — the Broke Dedicated Infantry Combat Killers.
The airsoft guns are so realistic they have bright orange tips to distinguish them from real firearms, and it’s illegal to color those tips to match the guns.
“This is what actually keeps the police from shooting kids (and) thinking it’s a real gun,” said Parsons, pointing to the orange tip of his rifle.
Being hit by a pellet stings, but it doesn’t bruise as much as a paintball because the round is smaller. Since there’s no paint there’s no visible mark on a player’s cloths, so shooters have to rely on the referees and players’ honesty.
“If you want to talk about being an easy target show up in a white T-shirt and white pants,” said Parsons.
Airsoft guns can range greatly in price and capability. Pistols can cost $15 and machine guns $1,200. Sniper rifles can shoot 300 feet while M-16 rifles shoot 80 feet. The pellets fly between 200 and 450 feet per second. Guns are spring loaded, electric, or gas.
“You’re upgrading constantly with this,” said Parsons.
While some guns look futuristic, others look like M-16s, and World War I and World War II rifles, said Parsons. You can also purchase “land mines” and “grenades”.
Chick Goldberg, who owns Old Tyme Army Navy, says the demand for airsoft skyrocketed just as he was planning to sell the store, so he changed his mind.
• “I wanted to retire,” said Golberg, who sells guns, camouflage, and other airsoft equipment.
The gun battle will mark the opening of Larry Boisvert’s “airsoft” range on his property on Johnson Corner Road.
Airsoft is a combat sport similar to paintball, and participants use realistic guns to fire pellets at each other, and the team that has the fewest members hit wins.
Why do people play?
“It’s the thrill,” said enthusiast Eric Parsons, 42, of Milford, who served with the U.S. Army Rangers and is now the commander of an airsoft team called the Granite State Rangers.
Enthusiasts who have been in the military say the game is becoming more popular than paintball because airsoft is more realistic and less messy.
Currently, there are no legal places to play the games locally except private property, but that will change after Feel Good Farm’s airsoft fields open with set-ups for capture the flag, with logs and brush; an urban setting with building-like structures, and a rocky ridgeline.
Saturday’s opening will include a game between Airsoft Bravo, of Goffstown and Airsoft Alpha of Lyndeborough.
The game is starting around 8 a.m., said Josh Rowsey, of the Olde Tyme Army Navy store on the Milford Oval, who is promoting airsoft for the farm.
Referees and marshals, sanctioned by the Northeastern Airsoft Group, monitor the action.
Members of the Granite State Rangers come from Milford, Bedford, Amherst and Manchester. Parsons’ team has 15 members and hopes it will grow to 36. They train just as if they were in the military and he says this gives his team good exercise and confidence.
Griffith Sellars, 27, of Milford, is a former Marine who received a medical discharge, has a team of military people who have been injured — the Broke Dedicated Infantry Combat Killers.
The airsoft guns are so realistic they have bright orange tips to distinguish them from real firearms, and it’s illegal to color those tips to match the guns.
“This is what actually keeps the police from shooting kids (and) thinking it’s a real gun,” said Parsons, pointing to the orange tip of his rifle.
Being hit by a pellet stings, but it doesn’t bruise as much as a paintball because the round is smaller. Since there’s no paint there’s no visible mark on a player’s cloths, so shooters have to rely on the referees and players’ honesty.
“If you want to talk about being an easy target show up in a white T-shirt and white pants,” said Parsons.
Airsoft guns can range greatly in price and capability. Pistols can cost $15 and machine guns $1,200. Sniper rifles can shoot 300 feet while M-16 rifles shoot 80 feet. The pellets fly between 200 and 450 feet per second. Guns are spring loaded, electric, or gas.
“You’re upgrading constantly with this,” said Parsons.
While some guns look futuristic, others look like M-16s, and World War I and World War II rifles, said Parsons. You can also purchase “land mines” and “grenades”.
Chick Goldberg, who owns Old Tyme Army Navy, says the demand for airsoft skyrocketed just as he was planning to sell the store, so he changed his mind.
• “I wanted to retire,” said Golberg, who sells guns, camouflage, and other airsoft equipment.
Man gets 60 days for role as driver in airsoft gun shootout
A 20-year-old man convicted for his role in a drive-by pellet gun shooting in December got a 60-day intermittent sentence yesterday in the Ontario Court of Justice.
Terry Amos sat in court with his head bowed, his long bangs covering his face, as Mr. Justice Tim Whetung lectured the young man on his choice of friends and his continued lack of judgement.
Whetung convicted Amos in May for aiding in the use of a weapon in an assault for his role as driver in the incident.
During a brief trial, a 15-year-old boy testified he and his friend were walking on Parkhill Road Dec. 21 when Amos suddenly drove up beside them and slammed on the brakes.
The car window rolled down and one of the boys was shot with an airsoft gun, a children's toy that uses a small amount of air to fire a lightweight plastic pellet.
The boy sustained no injuries, court heard, and Amos was identified as the driver of the car.
After the trial, Amos pleaded guilty to breaking his recognizance and breaking a condition of his undertaking. He had a previous criminal record for stealing tires from a local car dealership in April 2005.
Amos, who is working toward becoming a marine mechanic, had spent the equivalent of eight days in pre-trial custody and will serve the remainder of his jail time every Wednesday, the one day during the week he doesn’t work.
He was also ordered to give a DNA sample for the national databank and has been banned from possessing firearms.
Terry Amos sat in court with his head bowed, his long bangs covering his face, as Mr. Justice Tim Whetung lectured the young man on his choice of friends and his continued lack of judgement.
Whetung convicted Amos in May for aiding in the use of a weapon in an assault for his role as driver in the incident.
During a brief trial, a 15-year-old boy testified he and his friend were walking on Parkhill Road Dec. 21 when Amos suddenly drove up beside them and slammed on the brakes.
The car window rolled down and one of the boys was shot with an airsoft gun, a children's toy that uses a small amount of air to fire a lightweight plastic pellet.
The boy sustained no injuries, court heard, and Amos was identified as the driver of the car.
After the trial, Amos pleaded guilty to breaking his recognizance and breaking a condition of his undertaking. He had a previous criminal record for stealing tires from a local car dealership in April 2005.
Amos, who is working toward becoming a marine mechanic, had spent the equivalent of eight days in pre-trial custody and will serve the remainder of his jail time every Wednesday, the one day during the week he doesn’t work.
He was also ordered to give a DNA sample for the national databank and has been banned from possessing firearms.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Man Stabs Himself During Glendale Foot Pursuit
(CBS) GLENDALE, Calif. A driver was arrested after he fled from police, spotted with a rifle, slashed himself with a knife and climbed atop a Glendale apartment building, authorities said.
The suspect, identified as Michael Yoghoubov, 23, of Glendale, was arrested about 12:30 a.m. Saturday in the 400 block of Lexington Drive, was expected to be booked on suspicion of resisting arrest and obstruction of justice, among other charges, said Glendale police Sgt. Tom Lorenz.
The rifle turned out to be an Airsoft pellet gun, police said.
The pursuit started about 10 p.m. Friday when the suspect refused to pull over. When he exited his vehicle and ran into a building, he appeared to have blood on him. Once inside, he was spotted with a weapon, thought to be a rifle.
The suspect followed orders to drop the rifle, but pulled out a knife and started slashing himself, he said.
"Apparently able to access the roof from the apartment, he ended up laying down on the roof," Lorenz said.
With the help of a crisis negotiator, police got the man, who appeared to be bloody, to surrender and took him to Glendale Memorial Hospital for the treatment of self-inflicted wounds, Lorenz said.
"He sat up and cooperated," he said.
He was later transferred to Olive View Medical Center for a 72-hour observation.
The driver was not arrested.
The suspect, identified as Michael Yoghoubov, 23, of Glendale, was arrested about 12:30 a.m. Saturday in the 400 block of Lexington Drive, was expected to be booked on suspicion of resisting arrest and obstruction of justice, among other charges, said Glendale police Sgt. Tom Lorenz.
The rifle turned out to be an Airsoft pellet gun, police said.
The pursuit started about 10 p.m. Friday when the suspect refused to pull over. When he exited his vehicle and ran into a building, he appeared to have blood on him. Once inside, he was spotted with a weapon, thought to be a rifle.
The suspect followed orders to drop the rifle, but pulled out a knife and started slashing himself, he said.
"Apparently able to access the roof from the apartment, he ended up laying down on the roof," Lorenz said.
With the help of a crisis negotiator, police got the man, who appeared to be bloody, to surrender and took him to Glendale Memorial Hospital for the treatment of self-inflicted wounds, Lorenz said.
"He sat up and cooperated," he said.
He was later transferred to Olive View Medical Center for a 72-hour observation.
The driver was not arrested.
Police get training center for $1 a year with Airsoft Guns
WILLOWS — Glenn County public safety agencies have something they've needed for a long time, and it's a bargain at just $1 a year.
Although not quite officially open, the Swift Public Service Training Center, just south of Willows, has already hosted a couple of training sessions.
The center is largely the brainchild of Willows Police Chief William Spears, who was still a newcomer to Glenn County earlier this year when he learned that a former trucking facility just outside of town had been temporarily abandoned.
Spears said Phoenix-based Swift Transportation Co. Inc., which operated a regional center from the 15-acre facility until two years ago, plans to come back, but that could be up to three years away.
In the meantime, Spears figured the buildings, and a sprawling, paved parking lot would make a very suitable place to conduct public safety training.
The company liked the idea and offered a lease at just $1 per year. Spears was a little apprehensive, however, when he got a good look at the waist-high weeds around the buildings, and the inside of a huge space, formerly housing truck maintenance bays, that had pretty much been taken over by birds.
By early May, after a lot of hard work by off-duty
police and fire personnel, plus some donated furniture from the Willows Unified School District and Glenn County government agencies, the facility was up and running.
The Willows Fire Department has already conducted a hose lay drill in the huge maintenance building, and Orland Police Chief Bob Pasero organized a day of regional gang task-force meetings, held in one of the building's three classroom areas.
Spears said the facility presents nearly unlimited opportunities for essential training Glenn County public safety personnel can only get now at Butte College, or at venues in Chico.
He plans to have moveable walls made that can be hauled to the second floor of Swift's main building and serve as a setting for tactical room and suspect searches.
"We can have a different room configuration every time," Spears said.
To complete his plan, Spears is soliciting funds to purchase Airsoft guns and protection equipment officers can use to conduct realistic training.
He said the Airsoft guns, which run about $700 each, are remarkably similar to actual weapons used by his officers, and deliver a projectile that lets an officer know when they've hit their target.
Spears said car stops and other vehicle training exercises can be conducted on Swift's 15-acre parking lot, adjacent to Interstate 5.
He said the area could also serve as a staging center for all public service agencies in the event of a widespread emergency.
"The lights in the parking lot still work," he said.
Spears said the training center is still in need of podiums, classroom-size dry erase boards, and audio-visual equipment, including a large TV monitor and DVD player.
The facility may also include a small weight/exercise room, if donated equipment can be found. The building already includes shower facilities.
A sign prepared as a class project by students at Willows High School will be installed near the building's main entrance on County Road 99.
In addition to Glenn County agencies, Spears said he's extended invitations to agencies in Butte, Tehama, Colusa and even Lake counties to use the facility.
Spears said the entire main building is air-conditioned, but keeping it comfortable for use during the summer months will be a major expense.
Although not quite officially open, the Swift Public Service Training Center, just south of Willows, has already hosted a couple of training sessions.
The center is largely the brainchild of Willows Police Chief William Spears, who was still a newcomer to Glenn County earlier this year when he learned that a former trucking facility just outside of town had been temporarily abandoned.
Spears said Phoenix-based Swift Transportation Co. Inc., which operated a regional center from the 15-acre facility until two years ago, plans to come back, but that could be up to three years away.
In the meantime, Spears figured the buildings, and a sprawling, paved parking lot would make a very suitable place to conduct public safety training.
The company liked the idea and offered a lease at just $1 per year. Spears was a little apprehensive, however, when he got a good look at the waist-high weeds around the buildings, and the inside of a huge space, formerly housing truck maintenance bays, that had pretty much been taken over by birds.
By early May, after a lot of hard work by off-duty
police and fire personnel, plus some donated furniture from the Willows Unified School District and Glenn County government agencies, the facility was up and running.
The Willows Fire Department has already conducted a hose lay drill in the huge maintenance building, and Orland Police Chief Bob Pasero organized a day of regional gang task-force meetings, held in one of the building's three classroom areas.
Spears said the facility presents nearly unlimited opportunities for essential training Glenn County public safety personnel can only get now at Butte College, or at venues in Chico.
He plans to have moveable walls made that can be hauled to the second floor of Swift's main building and serve as a setting for tactical room and suspect searches.
"We can have a different room configuration every time," Spears said.
To complete his plan, Spears is soliciting funds to purchase Airsoft guns and protection equipment officers can use to conduct realistic training.
He said the Airsoft guns, which run about $700 each, are remarkably similar to actual weapons used by his officers, and deliver a projectile that lets an officer know when they've hit their target.
Spears said car stops and other vehicle training exercises can be conducted on Swift's 15-acre parking lot, adjacent to Interstate 5.
He said the area could also serve as a staging center for all public service agencies in the event of a widespread emergency.
"The lights in the parking lot still work," he said.
Spears said the training center is still in need of podiums, classroom-size dry erase boards, and audio-visual equipment, including a large TV monitor and DVD player.
The facility may also include a small weight/exercise room, if donated equipment can be found. The building already includes shower facilities.
A sign prepared as a class project by students at Willows High School will be installed near the building's main entrance on County Road 99.
In addition to Glenn County agencies, Spears said he's extended invitations to agencies in Butte, Tehama, Colusa and even Lake counties to use the facility.
Spears said the entire main building is air-conditioned, but keeping it comfortable for use during the summer months will be a major expense.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Airsoft Gun Pellet-shooting youth gets one-year probation
A 14-year-old who used an airsoft pellet gun to settle a dispute was sentenced to one year of probation in Sarnia court Wednesday.
The boy pleaded guilty to assault with a weapon for a March 11 incident in south Sarnia. The court was told the youth fired pellets at two older teens who were skateboarding. One of the victims was struck twice in the face by the plastic pellets, but didn't sustained a serious injury.
Defence lawyer Colleen Johnson said outside the courtroom a dispute had arisen between the teens.
Sarnia police have asked parents to supervise youngsters using such guns due to the potential for injury. The pellets can cause bruising and permanent eye damage. The pellet gun seized by police after the incident will not be returned.
The teen must also take any counseling recommended by his probation officer. The court was told he had completed an anger management course and is being treated for attention-deficit disorder.
His identity cannot be published due to restrictions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
The boy pleaded guilty to assault with a weapon for a March 11 incident in south Sarnia. The court was told the youth fired pellets at two older teens who were skateboarding. One of the victims was struck twice in the face by the plastic pellets, but didn't sustained a serious injury.
Defence lawyer Colleen Johnson said outside the courtroom a dispute had arisen between the teens.
Sarnia police have asked parents to supervise youngsters using such guns due to the potential for injury. The pellets can cause bruising and permanent eye damage. The pellet gun seized by police after the incident will not be returned.
The teen must also take any counseling recommended by his probation officer. The court was told he had completed an anger management course and is being treated for attention-deficit disorder.
His identity cannot be published due to restrictions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Airsoft Tactics and Strategy by Special Ops

AirSplat has announced that have recruited a team of real world Special Operations Operatives to offer a free blog to al of you on Tactics, Strategies, and Real World Experiences.
Currently avaiable is a free offer for the US Army Field Manual 7-8, an in depth manual for Rifle Platoons and Squad Level Tactics.
This team of veterans has an extensive background in combat, force on force engagement, long range sniping, CQB, and everything in between. It's definitely worth checking out!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
OPSEC Airsoft Radio
The guys at OPSEC Airsoft Radio have a new show coming up. Here’s the details:
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Brian Reardon. Click here for details…
On the program we have:- This Week In SoCal Airsoft- 6 New Items of Interest- Weather From On High- Main Topic: Real Steel Into Airsoft- Tribal Wars 2007 AAR & Field Interviews- NAM Subscription Contest- Tsunami Airsoft Photo Contest Update- Music: Electro
So Listen live at 7:00p PDT tonight to participate or grab the podcast tomorrow.
Cheers,- Radar, (OPSEC Airsoft Radio)
Update: the show is now available for download:
MP3 has been posted: Right Click to Download58.5MB, 2h:26m:06sShow Notes: Link
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Brian Reardon. Click here for details…
On the program we have:- This Week In SoCal Airsoft- 6 New Items of Interest- Weather From On High- Main Topic: Real Steel Into Airsoft- Tribal Wars 2007 AAR & Field Interviews- NAM Subscription Contest- Tsunami Airsoft Photo Contest Update- Music: Electro
So Listen live at 7:00p PDT tonight to participate or grab the podcast tomorrow.
Cheers,- Radar, (OPSEC Airsoft Radio)
Update: the show is now available for download:
MP3 has been posted: Right Click to Download58.5MB, 2h:26m:06sShow Notes: Link
Deputies fire PepperBall rounds
Deputies fired PepperBall rounds at a man Thursday night as they investigated reports of three men fighting, one armed with a handgun, in Spring Valley.
Residents on Brucker Street reported the fight about 8 p.m. Deputies found three men nearby and ordered them to the ground.
Sheriff's Sgt. William Walkup said two men lay down, but the third man walked around, argued with deputies, then partially knelt on the ground and raised his hands toward his waist. Deputies fired two pepperball rounds at him and missed, but the man then followed orders.
An Airsoft pellet gun was found stuck in the grill of a nearby pickup. The man was cited on suspicion of delaying and interfering with officers, then released.
Residents on Brucker Street reported the fight about 8 p.m. Deputies found three men nearby and ordered them to the ground.
Sheriff's Sgt. William Walkup said two men lay down, but the third man walked around, argued with deputies, then partially knelt on the ground and raised his hands toward his waist. Deputies fired two pepperball rounds at him and missed, but the man then followed orders.
An Airsoft pellet gun was found stuck in the grill of a nearby pickup. The man was cited on suspicion of delaying and interfering with officers, then released.
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