SB 1315 is scheduled to come before the California State Senate Public Safety Committee April 17, 2012. Please call the list of State Senators below if you are a California voter. You may use the script below. Most of the time you will just leave a message. Senator Price's office may ask you for alternatives to this bill. One alternative is to work together with the industry to have requirements of the retailers selling these guns so airsoft specialty stores have an advantage over big box stores.
You may use this script:
"I am (your name). My zip code is (your zip code)/ Please oppose SB 1315 which proposes to allow LA County to be unique among all municipalities in the State of California to restrict freedoms related to airsoft and small caliber paintball guns. This was tried last year on the state level with SB 798, which failed to pass. I share with Senator De Leon, the author of the bill, the desire to get airsoft guns out of the hands of unattended minors in public, but this bill is not the way to do it. The Airsoft Safety Foundation and Airsoft Medicine would like to work together with Senator De Leon to make this happen."
Here is the list of Senators on the Public Safety Committee with the phone numbers I found to work:
Hancock (916) 651-4009
Anderson (951) 676-1020
Calderon (916) 651-4030
Harman (916) 651-4035
Liu (916) 651-4021
Price (916) 651-4026
and Steinberg (916)651-4006
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