The Citadel in Worcester Massachusetts, is the largest and best Airsoft CQB or Airsoft CQC facility in the New England. Citadel Airsoft strives to provide the highest quality Airsoft experience to our players. We are located in the center of New England in Worcester, Massachusetts. Visit our website for all the information about our facility and about Airsoft events and rentals at The Citadel or to register or RSVP for an event.
Tango Down & Friday Night Firefights - The Citadel’s regular weekly night-time airsoft skirmish events. TD & FNF are typically a series of small scenarios and skirmishes to keep airsoft gameplay fresh and fun. This is a great time to come play in the dark (we will run at least one lights-out skirmish), hone your Airsoft CQB/CQC skills, practice teamwork, and have a lot of fun in a relaxed skirmish environment.
Sunday Skirmishing - The Citadel is open every Sunday that we do not have a big operation planned for all day airsoft skirmishing. This is a great chance to come on down, practice your skills, sort your kit out, have some serious 6mm fun, and stay out of the weather as we are an all-weather facility!
Where: The Citadel, 344 Franklin St. (rear) Worcester MA
When: Tuesdays & Fridays Doors open @ 5pm, Skirmishes from 6-10pm.
Sundays Doors open @ 12pm, Skirmishes from 1pm - 9pm.
What do I need: You, your Airsoft gun, your kit.
Who: Tan/Black versus Green (yellow and green tape will be provided if we need to even teams)
Field Rules and Event Info - http://www.citadelairsoft.com
Event Signup/RSVP - http://www.citadelairsoft.com/store/
Citadel Forums - http://www.citadelairsoft.com/forums/
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