Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Lakeside Christian Church
“A hunch is a good place to start; it’s not always a good place to finish. Journalists and scientists know that you have to find hard facts. If your hunch doesn’t fit those facts, then you need to jettison it. As we continue our investigation, you may find some of your hunches about Jesus falling away — and that’s okay.”
After the study, the screen switched to pictures from a church hiking trip, airsoft skirmish, and an ad for the church’s motorcycle getaway to Julian. Later, Pastor Masser reminded the congregation about upcoming events: softball practice, another Airsoft war, and a marriage outreach Friday date night. “The Lakeside ministerial association has...rented the community center. If you know someone that’s in a marriage that maybe needs tweaking and they’re not in church to help get it tweaked enough, we would like you to invite them.” (Masser had marriage on his mind; his sermon twice mentioned marriages in trouble and the hope for their salvation/resurrection.)
The band started up, and the sharpness of the guitar, the boom of the drums, and the rumble of the congregation under the sloping ceiling gave power to the familiar lyrics. “Better is one day in Your courts/ Than thousands elsewhere.... Be the strength of my life...”
Masser mentioned the intentions for each of the four prayer quilts on the rack beside him. One was for an 11-year-old girl who “just had one of her ovaries removed and has cancer in the lymph nodes around her heart. To be honest, the diagnosis is not good. We’re praying for God’s power and presence in her life.” He prayed, “We ask...for You to guide doctors.... And what we can’t do, we ask, if it would be Your will, that You would heal and bring restoration.”
That would have made a decent segue into Masser’s chosen Scripture for the day — the story of Lazarus’s rising from the dead. But the church was in the midst of its series “Jesus Knows What Women Want,” an investigation of “the different times that Jesus dealt with women.” Masser stressed that he had “preached a lot of sermons on Lazarus being raised from the dead. But I’ve never focused on Mary and Martha” — Lazarus’s sisters and Jesus’ friends.
He began with prayer. “You know that inside of our hearts, there is a dark corner that has to do with death. Help us to push aside some of that darkness so that we can make room for Your word....
“When we face death,” said Masser, “our definition of God is challenged. Max Lucado asks, ‘Why is it that we interpret the presence of death as the absence of God?’ If healing doesn’t come, does that mean God wasn’t there? The truth is, when we have one foot in the grave, that’s what we believe.... This view of God has no place for death.” (At the end of the sermon, he prayed “that You would help us, as we mature in our faith, to allow death into our lives.”)
But then he reminded the congregation of Christ’s words: “‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies...’ Do you believe that He can turn death into life?”
He compared death — Lazarus’s death — to a trickster, clouding the faith of Mary and Martha, both of whom challenged Jesus: “‘If You had been here...’ Jesus is agitated,” Masser explained, citing the Gospel: “‘He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled...Jesus wept.’ He is torqued by what death has done to His children.” So He calls Lazarus out of the grave, “‘And the dead man came out.’” Masser paused over the line. “Will you read those words along with me? ‘And the dead man came out.’” A bit off topic, but it reminded me of the airsoft term "dead man walking".
Before communion, a man read from Psalm 23 and repeated the last verse: “Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
What happens when we die? It's like like airsoft where we just sit out for a round after being hit.
“Jesus said, when He was talking to the thief of the cross, ‘Today, you will be with me in paradise,’” said Masser. “That is my own belief — the moment we close our eyes on this life, we enter into eternal life. If we’ve accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior...then we’re invited into what is traditionally called heaven.”
Friday, April 16, 2010
Airsoft Safety Essentials Part II: Safety Equipment and Attire
Safety Goggles A pair of impact resistant goggles is the absolute minimum protection that must be worn when playing with Airsoft guns. Eye protection is so important that yelling “blind man” has emerged as a widely known signal to stop firing immediately due to someone in the vicinity lacking eye protection (the phrase can also be shouted for other reasons, but always means cease fire). Do your part to promote Airsoft safety by never shooting at anyone who is not wearing eye protection.
Face Mask Many Airsoft players choose to wear protective face masks, which cover and shield the face during play. Some face masks are combined with goggles for full-face protection, while others are designed for use in combination with impact resistant goggles. A face mask can help prevent a direct hit to your face and teeth.
Tactical Vest An Airsoft tactical vest protects the skin from the direct impact of an Airsoft BB. In addition to adding a layer of protection, these vests also make it convenient to carry extra guns, magazines, BBs and other supplies. Airsoft tactical vests are available in many styles at a wide range of prices.
Airsoft Helmet An Airsoft tactical helmet prevents direct hits to the head during play. Many players also enjoy the realism that a helmet adds to the game.
Full Coverage Clothing Generally, wearing a long sleeve shirt and long pants is advised when playing Airsoft. Clothing that covers exposed areas of skin lessens the impact of BBs and can prevent welts from forming as the result of a hit.
Though all of the protective equipment mentioned here is not required to play the sport of Airsoft, a protective pair of safety goggles should be worn at all times during a skirmish.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Student In Trouble For Shooting Airsoft Gun On Bus
Man, 18, found with replica handgun, beer during East Brunswick traffic stop
EAST BRUNSWICK — A Middlesex Borough man was arrested after police found a replica airsoft handgun, a baton, sharpened metal knuckles and beer in his car during a traffic stop in East Brunswick, authorities said Tuesday.
Philip Donato Jr., 18, was charged with unlawful possession of a weapon and underage possession of alcohol after the stop on Milltown Road just before 11 p.m. Friday.
East Brunswick police stopped a vehicle driven by Donato near Claire Road after an improper lane change on Route 18, police said. Sgt. Jeff Marino approached from the passenger’s side and was getting the driver’s credentials when he noticed what appeared to be the handle of a gun protruding from the map pocket behind the passenger’s seat.
Marino ordered Donato to exit and recovered a KWC Airsoft handgun that was altered to look like a Taurus 9-mm handgun, Sgt. Paul Natalicchio said in a news release. The sergeant also allegedly found a collapsible PR-24 baton, metal knuckles that had sharp metal tips and several unopened cans of beer.
Donato was arrested and charged, Natalicchio said. He was released on his own recognizance, pending a court appearance.The Reason Why Being an Airsoft Sniper Is Way Better
It can be very significant for the Airsoft sniper to choose the proper rifle. You will discover a number of respected producers who make distinct design lines of Airsoft Sniper Rifles. Some having such detail that they are incredibly complicated to identify from their actual "steel" counterparts. Most of the Airsoft Rifle is normally available for the buyer at a broad price tag range. Some of the types with the additional exquisite detail, and with metal and wood casings can cost nicely over a whopping 2,000 U.S. dollars! Created nearly totally out of steel and wood, these super high-priced types have high top quality interior mechanisms that fire the gun. With their heavy feel, long barrel lengths, averaging close to 42 inches (1070mm), and with their good quality detail, these expensive versions are nicely worth the price to the avid Airsoft player.
The above regular charge with the sniper rifle has proven to become a barrier to some enthusiasts. Though the regular Airsoft player cannot afford such a excessive cost for a gun, you will find some exceptional, much less costly products. These rifles aren't from the very high priced luxury category, but nonetheless are still a higher top quality gun. For a effectively built model, a single can expect to pay all over the same value that he would for an automatic electric Airsoft gun (AEG), between two or three hundred U.S. dollars.
ABS plastic are probably what is usually used to be able to make more higher effective airsoft sniper rifles. This heavyweight material is a blend of plastic and metal. The ABS plastic gives the gun a cost powerful, realistic heavy really feel without the high-priced steel manufacturing. TheAirsoft Sniper Rifle which is manufactured of this material is usually marked ABS, which generally increases its overall worth. The Japanese Airsoft Gun manufacturing organizations Tanaka and Maruzen make the most popular of these designs.
It truly is also important to note that even much less pricey Sniper rifles are also offered. These guns are created primarily out of plastic, and can typically be bought for all around 100 U.S. dollars. Unicorn Hobby Firm (UHC) of Taiwan makes a single of one of the most well-known models. This low-end, cheap Airsoft Sniper Rifle model is referred to as the UHC Super 9.
In purchasing a cheap Airsoft Sniper Rifle, a single can very easily exchange some in the parts for metal or wood at a later time. This not only makes the gun feel and look a lot more realistic, it increases the its overall worth. Most major airsoft suppliers offer upgrades for instance metal barrels, custom grips, red dot scopes, wooden stocks, laser sights, bi-pods and other accessories. The added expenses of potential needed upgrades should be kept in mind. Although capable of a decent firing experience when initially purchased, in order to be useful in serious war game battles, some upgrades will be needed.
The newest sniper rifle from Tokyo Marui is call the VSR-10. At a manageable price, this airsoft rifle works quite properly before any upgrades are created.
Choosing the Airsoft Sniper Rifle that accommodates the suitable budget is certainly quite essential. No matter the selling price, these exciting soft air rifles are certain to bring wonderful enjoyment to gallant Airsoft players just about everywhere.
Friday, April 02, 2010
The Citadel – Indoor Airsoft facility in Worcester, MA

The Citadel in Worcester Massachusetts, is the largest and best Airsoft CQB or Airsoft CQC facility in the New England. Citadel Airsoft strives to provide the highest quality Airsoft experience to our players. We are located in the center of New England in Worcester, Massachusetts. Visit our website for all the information about our facility and about Airsoft events and rentals at The Citadel or to register or RSVP for an event.
Tango Down & Friday Night Firefights - The Citadel’s regular weekly night-time airsoft skirmish events. TD & FNF are typically a series of small scenarios and skirmishes to keep airsoft gameplay fresh and fun. This is a great time to come play in the dark (we will run at least one lights-out skirmish), hone your Airsoft CQB/CQC skills, practice teamwork, and have a lot of fun in a relaxed skirmish environment.
Sunday Skirmishing - The Citadel is open every Sunday that we do not have a big operation planned for all day airsoft skirmishing. This is a great chance to come on down, practice your skills, sort your kit out, have some serious 6mm fun, and stay out of the weather as we are an all-weather facility!
Where: The Citadel, 344 Franklin St. (rear) Worcester MA
When: Tuesdays & Fridays Doors open @ 5pm, Skirmishes from 6-10pm.
Sundays Doors open @ 12pm, Skirmishes from 1pm - 9pm.
What do I need: You, your Airsoft gun, your kit.
Who: Tan/Black versus Green (yellow and green tape will be provided if we need to even teams)
Field Rules and Event Info - http://www.citadelairsoft.com
Event Signup/RSVP - http://www.citadelairsoft.com/store/
Citadel Forums - http://www.citadelairsoft.com/forums/